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Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported Magic Spells 2023!!

Together we raised a phenomenal $29,605 profit for MENPS!
(This profit accounts for donations received via our Go Raise It website, cash donations and fees associated with the website.)

Thank you for all of your efforts and support!

All PTA funds raised are invaluable and help us to sustain many of the aspects of school life and resourcing that we don’t receive funding from the government for. Read more about this in this school newsletter originally shared on 4 May, 2023.

Thank you to our wonderful teaching staff for your time and enthusiasm teaching the lists and running the Magic Spells challenges!
And a big shout out to all students for working so hard learning their words in preparation for the Magic Spells challenges - we hope you enjoyed it and learnt a lot of new words!!

Also thank you to Sarah Eason, our parent coordinator who's been in charge of running Magic Spells for several years now and moved the event to an online campaign this year.

All classes did an incredible job fundraising, and there were some very impressive totals!
Congratulations to the top fundraising classes in each year group who won a Sal’s pizza lunch.

A huge thank you to Sal’s for their generous sponsorship of the MENPS Magic Spells fundraiser.

How does Magic Spells work?

magic-spells-potionStudents will bring home a list of words to learn how to spell. They seek sponsorship from friends and family for their participation in Magic Spells.

After two weeks of learning time, students will be tested on their Magic Spells lists in class. Each participant will receive a certificate so you can celebrate your child's efforts!

How can you support them?

We ask that you encourage your child to get sponsorship from friends and family for their spelling efforts. Please see the letter we have sent home or just head to to sign up for a fundraising profile for your child(ren). 

Key Dates

  • Friday 28 April - Spelling Lists sent home & Fundraising Website live!
  • Monday 15 - Friday 19 May – Magic Spells challenge in class
  • Friday 26 May – Fundraising Website closes - last day for sponsorship!
We welcome questions and feedback -