Yummy Apples

Collect year round
Every year, the Yummy Fruit Company runs a sticker promotion for North Island primary and intermediate schools. Schools collect stickers and cut out labels from Yummy apples and at the end of the promotion these are redeemed for a share of the $200,000 of Sports equipment. Last year MENPS collected 10,388 points which resulted in being allocated with $1,548 worth of sports equipment that children will be using during both class P. E. lessons and at lunchtime.
We are asking MENPS families that purchase Yummy apples from supermarkets and fruit shops to again collect the stickers and labels. The collection sheet can be downloaded from the Yummy Apple Website www.yummyfruit.co.nz or picked up from the box in the office. Yummy apples sold individually have a Yummy sticker on them.
Most of the stickers are worth 1 point but stickers from the varieties Lemonade, Ambrosia and Sweet Tango are worth 2 points and can be stuck on the pictures of trees that are found on one of the sides of the sheet that was sent home. One point stickers can be attached to the side of the sheet with the 100 square grid.
Cut out labels (or bar codes) from Yummy apples bags are worth 10 points and can be glued to a black piece of paper. All stickers can also be attached to a blank sheet of paper and do not have to be on an official collection sheet.
Completed sheets can be dropped back to your class teacher or the office at any time until the 20th of Sept 2024.
Many thanks to Grace Konrath for running this initiative.

Yummy Apples by the bag
If you buy your Yummy apples by the bag please note there are sometimes square cut-out labels that say ‘Cut out Label’ and these count as 10 stickers, or you can cut out the barcode and stick that on, or both! There is a separate sheet for cut-out labels but a blank piece of paper will work just as well.